Every programming language has its advantages and disadvantages. In most cases, however, it can be argued that Flutter’s advantages over similar technologies, far outweigh its disadvantages.

‍Pros of  developing a Flutter app

The flutter has many advantages over its competitors. These advantages are inherent in the programming language and development toolset, which enable Flutter to solve problems that other languages cannot cope with.

  • One codebase for all platforms

Gone are the days when you had to write code for Android and a different codebase for iOS devices. Flutter code reusability reuse allows you to write a single code base and use it not only on Android and iOS mobile devices, but also on the web, desktop and more. This drastically reduces  development time, eliminates costs and allows applications to run much faster.

  • The “It’s all Widgets” principle offers countless possibilities

Flutter custom widgets are a real treat  when it comes to creating great graphics for your app. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about the UI interface on different devices.

  • Rich libraries

Flutter uses the Skia Graphics Library, a fast and mature open-source graphics library. Redesign the UI every time the view changes. Result? Fast loading and smooth operation of the application experience.

  • ‍Fast testing with hot reload

The fast loading function greatly speeds up application development. With Flutter, you don’t have to reload the application to see every code change. you can easily make changes to your app in real time, giving you more opportunity to experiment and debug your and fix bugs on the go.

Cons of developing a Flutter app

There are no perfect technology solutions, and Flutter is no exception. Flutter’s disadvantages aren’t exactly groundbreakers, but here are a few reasons it might select other toolkits for your particular app.

  • Large file size due to widgets

The flutter apps are quite large and “heavy” to begin with. They take up a lot of space and take longer to download or update.

  • Intricate updating

Updating programming requirements in operating systems requires updating Flutter modules. Since the modules are built into the program, the program must also be recompiled and reinstalled on the devices.

  • A limited set of tools and libraries

Flutter is a relatively new development framework, so in some cases you may not be able to get the functionality you want  in the current library. Flutter will take little time to develop tools, add functionality and grow the community.


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